
Вы чувствуете, что находитесь в Китае, когда …
uoogs.com   07-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

You know you are in China when…

Editor's note: Eating at 3am, going to the bank on Sunday, burning money in the streets, and silent motorcycles… that's when you know you're in China! Mutafire, our blogger from Malawi shares the things that happen only in China to help you gain a better understanding of the country.

You pay 1RMB and ride the bus until you are bored…

This is not an invitation to a joyride, Tom Sawyer!

Someone picks their phone and they say “Wei?!”

At first I was like, this Wei guy is making too many calls…and then it hit me: there’s no hello out here.

The year starts one month after the year has started

People act normal on January 1 or Christmas Day, but hell breaks loose 30 days later.

On some days, you walk into the street and people are burning money

The naive data I have gathered says it’s a way of getting blessings by sending some cash to the ancestors.

You can go grab dinner at 3am

In my country, even at a 5-star hotel you cannot get a meal after 9pm. Out here, brothers sit on mini chairs in the alleyways and eat away at 2am.

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