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uoogs.com   27-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

Why do Western women seldom marry Chinese men?

Editor's note: When it comes to cross-cultural marriage, far few Chinese men marry Western women, unlike the other way around. Are Chinese guys less attractive to foreign women? One of our bloggers from Malawi, who goes by the online tag "mutafire," shares his views.

1. Chinese men are shy.

Even in Chinese colleges a lot of Chinese men do not talk or chase girls - they are shy.

2. Chinese boys are spoiled.

The One Child generation has been affected the worst, they are used to their parents getting everything for them. Parents buy them a house; parents introduce a wife to them. Surely foreign women, who are usually independent, would never roll with such a guy.

3. Chinese men are racially insecure, especially when compared to Caucasians.

It's the same reason why foreigners are paid more for the same job in China; it's why foreign guys get the girls and why Chinese men don't dare go after the foreign ladies.

4. Chinese men are traditional.

Traditional people are usually not open-minded and will cut on romance, public displays of affection or even a good make-out session – a very integral part of a foreign woman's fantasy.

5. Chinese men cannot speak English well.

Many foreign men come to China and quickly learn the pickup lines – and most Chinese girls speak better English – perfect match. Chinese men are more Sino-centric linguistically which eliminates them.

6. Chinese men love to save money.

Chinese people are inclined to save to buy a house. Foreign guys will spend most of what they earn and will go for top clothing brands or eat at fancy restaurants. That difference is huge in terms of romance.

7. Chinese boys are too busy studying and men are too busy working.

They dont take time to admire women walking by. Foreign guys will always pause to take in a voluptuous lady walking by or wave, nod or even bow. As such, Chinese guys do not notice foreign women in their midst just like they don't notice Chinese women.

8. Chinese guys are relatively less social and out-going.

For a billion people, Chinese night clubs are too empty on average and since most foreign ladies hang out there, and Chinese men don't go to them, they don't get to meet the ladies.


Источник: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2014-05/23/content_17497443.htm

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