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10 причин попробовать китайскую уличную еду
uoogs.com   29-05-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

6. Savory

Source is in the sauce. Chinese people developed their sauce at home, in kitchen, not from chemical factories in the middle of nowhere.The savory flavors from each component on your plate have been developed, protected, and inherited through years of culinary passion.

7. Culinary heritage

Chinese food has a regional taste. Sichuan people like extra spicy, Beijing people like not-so-spicy yet not so sweet, Shanghai peopleprefer a sweet taste and Dong-Bei people love spicy, sweet and potent. Their unique taste preference has lot to do with the climate andheritage. The culinary heritage of Chinese food extends back many centuries.

8. Artistic

The more rare and expensive the food is, the more artistic it gets. Cooks are very creative with their display, even in the streets. Competingfor uniqueness in their design, some street vendors use great artistic touches on their production.

9. Aromatic

Freshly cut vegetables sizzling on the grill, with a touch of ground garlic make tiny crackling sounds. When it hits the open-air, the aromabecomes so distinctly enticing, anyone would have to come and see what's in the fire. In the busy streets of China, smell speaks louder thanword.

10. Low calories

Most of what's in the ensemble is vegetables, and low calorie. Since red meat is expensive in China, most of the cooks use vegetables,chicken and tofu. These ingredients are low in fat, and calories and are easy to digest. The best thing about Chinese food is that it does notdrain your energy level after lunch.


Источник: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2014-05/26/content_17536487.htm

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