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Вы понимаете, что пробыли в Китае слишком долго, когда…
uoogs.com   16-06-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

You know you've been in China too long when…

Editor’s Note: Once you have already been in China for several years, nothing here seems strange to you anymore. However, if you return home, you may suddenly feel disoriented, as if you were a foreigner in your own country – a reverse culture shock - as our forum readers tell us below.

hereamI (US)

First thing in the morning is to check the weather and PM 2.5 levels.

FeelingYellow (US)

Your instinctive reaction to a Chinese saying 'Hello' on the street is 'Bu yao'…

objchina (Nigeria)

You always say WEI when answering calls.

WhiteBear (Portland)

You prefer chopsticks over the fork and knife.

You are surprised that 1-2RMB is not enough for a bus ride thru the city.

ColinSpeakman (UK)

You won't buy any clothing if it does not have a bit of red in it!

Youxiudeyou (US)

You buy your fruits by half a kilo / jin.

teamkrejados (US)

You think nothing of walking around outside in pajamas or a negligee.

futsanglung (UK)

When you press the button to close the lift doors instead of waiting for them to do it automatically.

poetic_phoenix (Mauritius)

You use Chinese words while talking in English to your friends from back home.


Источник: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2014-06/09/content_17563855.htm

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