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uoogs.com   07-07-2014 Избранное Отправить Исправить Шрифт: a a a

Foreign impressions of China's cities

Editor's note: One of our bloggers from France, who goes by the online tag teamkrejados, gives her opinions on some of the cities she's been to since moving to China. Which Chinese cities have you been to and what are the good things and bad things about living in those cities?


Very large and fast paced. Weather is disagreeable. There is plenty to see and do, plenty of foreigner commodities and plenty of foreigners. There are also lots of employment opportunities. The city is fairly easy to navigate, but not well-suited for vagabonding.


There are some things to see and do. Centrally located; it is easy to visit other cities from here. There are nough foreign commodities and enough foreigners to satisfy. Easy to navigate. Food is not necessarily good but I do like a few indigenous dishes. People are friendly. The climate is not too extreme but the air is rough, which can cause breathing problems. Winters tend to be harsh.


There is plenty to do and see, good shopping and a lot of 'foreigner' commodities. The people there are friendly, it is easy to get around and I have lots of friends there. Indigenous food is fantastic. On the downside, temps tend to be rough, and it is not centrally located. In spite of the cold temps and the Western location, I have dreamt about living in Xi'an since the first time I visited that city.


Its main claim to fame is Three Gorges dam. Being so close to such great bodies of water the temps are iffy and the weather is usually damp. The food is delicious and it is an easy city to navigate. The people are very friendly. There are not many foreigner commodities and not much to do.

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uoogs.com  07-07-2014
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